John Purdy
PreBid Date:
10:00 AM CST
PreBid Info:
Meeting held at Todd Hall Room 148, 910 HWY. 19 N, Meridian, MS 39307
Davis Purdy Architects, PLLC
Bid Date:
02:00 PM CST
Bid Info:
Project Location:
Meridian, MS
Public Notes:
Sealed bids will be received at Meridian Community College, Facilities Management dBuilding, 910 Hwy 19 North, Meridian, MS 39307, until 2:00 PM, Local Time, November 13th, 2023.
Electronic bids can be submitted at www.meridianccbids.com. For general questions, contact Gene Miles, Director of Purchasing at Meridian Community College at (601) 553-3446 or via email at rmiles5@meridiancc.edu. For any questions relating to the electronic bidding process, please call PH Bidding Group at 662-407-0193 or email cory@phbidding.com.
At 2:00 PM, Local Time, November 13th, 2023 bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Facilities Management conference room at Meridian Community College, 910 Hwy 19 North for:
Basement Renovations & Additions to L. O. Todd – Billy C Beal Hall
Bids shall be submitted on form furnished and sealed and deposited with Meridian Community College prior to the hour and date above designated. Bids must be accompanied by bid bond or certified check for at least five percent (5%) of the base bid payable to the Meridian Community College as bid security. No bid may be withdrawn for 60 days after the actual date of the bid opening.
All bids must comply with applicable laws of the State of Mississippi and shall include the Contractor’s Certificate of Responsibility Number, which must be displayed on outside of the sealed envelope. A performance and payment bond for one hundred percent (100%) of the contract sum will be required of the successful bidder.
Bid preparation shall be in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders bound in the project manual. Meridian Community College reserves the right to reject any and or all bids, waive technicalities, informalities or irregularities in the bids received, solicit new bids or to choose that bid which is deemed to be in the best interest to the college. The Bidder shall be responsible for and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Meridian Community College from all losses, damages, expenses, claims, demands, suits and actions brought by any party against Meridian Community College as a result of the Bidder’s failure to comply with the provisions above.
A Pre-Bid conference will be held at Todd Hall Room 148, 910 Hwy 19 N, Meridian, MS 39307 at 10:00 AM, Local Time, Thursday, November 2nd 2023.
Questions regarding plan clarifications or requests for information should be directed to the Architect as follows:
Davis Purdy Architects, PLLC
2303 6th St
Meridian, MS 39301
Board of Trustees Meridian Community College Meridian, MS 39307
SUBMITTED BY: Thomas M. Huebner, Jr., PhD, President
Publish Dates: 10/14/23
Job Purchase Information:
A printed bid set is $85.00 plus $25.00 shipping and applicable sales tax.
An electronic downloadable set is $35.00 plus applicable sales tax.
To place an order click on "PLACE ORDER" at the upper right of this page.
Payment can be made by either: 1.Credit Card 2.Check made payable to Jackson Blueprint and mail check to: 699 Monroe St. Jackson, MS 39202. No orders will be printed until the check is received. 3.Cash - pick up orders only 4.Established Jackson Blueprint Account
You can expedite your order by sending an electronic copy of your check to Email: planroom@jaxblue.com
Purchase of entire printed bid set includes all plans and specifications, including any addendas released at time of order. Planholders will be notified by email when future addendums are issued and it will be the responsibility of each bid set holder to either download the addenda from the website, or contact Jackson Blueprint to place an order for a printed copy of the addenda. Shipping, if required, is added to any order based on method selected. Out-of-State orders will not be charged sales tax. In-state orders will be charged 8.0% sales tax.
Online orders are fulfilled within 1-2 business days. Credit card authorization and verification must be received prior to processing. All sales are final.
For questions regarding website registration and online orders please contact Jackson Blueprint & Supply at (601)353-5803
Existing planholders will be notified by email upon the release of any addendum. Failure to order bid sets through Jackson Blueprint and not being on the planholders list may prevent you from being notified of issued addenda. Printed copies of addendum will be available as part of your bid package upon request by contacting Jackson Blueprint.
Addenda notifications are sent via email from the mail account of “notification@jaxblue.com” and could be flagged as spam by your company network firewall. To prevent not receiving timely notification of these addenda, please contact your company Information Technology Manager and ask that he “white list” the domain of jaxblue.com to prevent emails from being captured.