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Press Box Replacements-Pisgah and Puckett High Schools

The Project consists of the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment to demolish and replace the football field press boxes at Pisgah High School and Puckett High School as described in the contract documents complete and ready for operation within the time stated and in strict accordance with the construction documents. Project also consist of a new concrete pad, sidewalks and bleacher additions and relocations at the Pisgah High School Football field.
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Contact:   Teresa Chapman
PreBid Date:   08/16/2023 03:30 PM CST
PreBid Info:   A Pre-Bid Conference will be conducted at Pisgah High School football field located at 115 Tori Bowie Lane, Brandon, MS 39047 beginning at 3:30 PM on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.

Company:   Dean Architecture, P.A.
Bid Date:   08/24/2023 02:00 PM CST
Bid Info:  

Project Location: Pisghah and Puckett, MS

Public Notes:

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for the project named below by the Rankin County
School District until 2:00 P.M. on August 24, 2023, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Electronic bids
may be submitted through the website Electronic bids are not required by the RCSD,
but offered as another means to submit a bid. Single stipulated sum bids will be received for all work required
by the contract documents in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.

Location for Receipt of Bids:

Rankin County School District
1220 Apple Park Place
Brandon, Mississippi 39042

Contract Documents consisting of Plans and Specifications Entitled:

Rankin County School District
Press Box Replacements
Pisgah & Puckett High Schools
Pisgah & Puckett, Mississippi

Bid Number: BP 24-04 Press Box Replacements - Pisgah & Puckett High Schools

A Pre-Bid Conference will be conducted at Pisgah High School football field located at 115 Tori Bowie Lane,
Brandon, MS 39047 beginning at 3:30 PM on Wednesday, August 16, 2023. All prospective Bidders are
encouraged to attend.

Proposals must be delivered in a sealed envelope marked plainly on the outside of the envelope with the
and addressed to Lance Fulcher, Director of Purchasing, Rankin County School District, 1220 Apple Park
Place, Brandon, MS 39042. In addition, the envelope shall list the bidders Company Name, Company
Address and all applicable state and local license and registration numbers of the bidder. Envelopes not so
marked are submitted entirely at the risk of the bidder, as the Owner and Professional assume no
responsibility for the premature opening of any bid envelope by any employee of the Owner or Professional.

Proposals shall be submitted in duplicate only upon the blank proposal forms provided with the specifications
and must be accompanied by Proposal Security in the form of Certified Check or acceptable Bid Bond in the
amount equal to at least five percent (5%) of the Base Bid: such security to be forfeited as liquidated
damages, not penalty, by any bidder who fails to carry out the terms of the proposal, execute a contract and
post-Performance and Payment Bonds in the form and amount within the time specified. The Bid Bond, if
used, shall be payable to the Owner.

Bid proposals must be received on or before the scheduled time for opening of bids and no bid may be
withdrawn after the declared closing time for the receipt of bids for a period of ninety (90) days.

All bids submitted in excess of $50,000 by a prime or Subcontractor to do any erection, building, construction,
repair, maintenance, or related work must comply with the Mississippi Contractors Act of 1985, by securing
a Certificate of Responsibility from the State Board of Contractors.

The Owner reserves the right to waive any irregularities, the right to reject any or all bids and the option to
postpone action and final decision for a period of up to ninety (90) days.

____________________________________________________________ Dr. Scott Rimes, Superintendent

Rankin County School District
1220 Apple Park Place
Brandon, MS 39042

661 Sunnybrook Road, Suite 140
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Phone: 601-939-7717
Fax: 601-939-3420
Contact Kenneth Oubre regarding questions

July 26, 2023
August 2, 2023

Job Purchase Information:
A printed bid set is $35.00 plus $25.00 shipping and applicable sales tax.

An electronic downloadable set is $25.00 plus applicable sales tax.

To place an order click on "PLACE ORDER" at the upper right of this page.

Payment can be made by either:
1.Credit Card
2.Check made payable to Jackson Blueprint and mail check to: 699 Monroe St. Jackson, MS 39202. No orders will be printed until the check is received.
3.Cash - pick up orders only
4.Established Jackson Blueprint Account

You can expedite your order by sending an electronic copy of your check to Email:

Purchase of entire printed bid set includes all plans and specifications, including any addendas released at time of order. Planholders will be notified by email when future addendums are issued
and it will be the responsibility of each bid set holder to either download the addenda from the website, or contact Jackson Blueprint to place an order for a printed copy of the addenda.
Shipping, if required, is added to any order based on method selected. Out-of-State orders will not be charged sales tax. In-state orders will be charged 8.0% sales tax.

Online orders are fulfilled within 1-2 business days. Credit card authorization and verification must be received prior to processing. All sales are final.

For questions regarding website registration and online orders please contact Jackson Blueprint & Supply at (601)353-5803


Existing planholders will be notified by email upon the release of any addendum. Failure to order bid sets through Jackson Blueprint and not being on the planholders list may prevent you from
being notified of issued addenda. Printed copies of addendum will be available as part of your bid package upon request by contacting Jackson Blueprint.

Addenda notifications are sent via email from the mail account of “” and could be flagged as spam by your company network firewall. To prevent not receiving timely notification of these addenda, please contact your company Information Technology Manager and ask that he “white list” the domain of to prevent emails from being captured.
