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John W. Boddie House Interior Renovations-Phase 1 (Rebid)

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Contact:   Lawson Newman
PreBid Date:   07/10/2023 02:00 PM CST
PreBid Info:  

Company:   WFT Architects, P.A.
Bid Date:   07/20/2023 02:00 PM CST
Bid Info:  

Project Location: Tougaloo, MS

Public Notes:
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Tougaloo College hereby extends an invitation to qualified General Contractors to bid the construction
project hereafter referred to as:

John W. Boddie House
Interior Renovation – Phase 1 (Rebid)

Project Scope:
Through competitive bids, Tougaloo College intends to contract services for the first phase of the interior
renovation of the John W. Boddie House located on the campus of Tougaloo College in Tougaloo, Mississippi.

Submission Deadline and Bid Opening:
Sealed Bid Proposals shall be delivered to the Office of Facilities and Real Property Management located
on the first floor of Galloway Hall on the Tougaloo College campus on Friday, June 23rd, 2023, until 2:00
pm, when they will be publicly opened.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Notice of Contract Award will be issued no later than 30 days after
the Bid Date. No submitted bid may be withdrawn unless there is a delay in the award of the contract that
exceeds sixty (60) calendar days following the bid opening. All bidders agree to be bound by their bids
until the expiration of this stated time period.

Submission Information:
Each bidder shall submit two (2) copies of the Bid Proposal. The Bid Proposal includes the Bid Form,
Unit Prices Form, Bid Bond Form, Insurance Certificate and Contractor Qualifications Submission. The
Bid Form, Unit Prices Form, Bid Bond Form, and Insurance Certificate shall be submitted in a sealed
envelope clearly addressed and labeled as described and illustrated in Section 002113 – Supplementary
Instructions to Bidders in the Project Manual. The Contractor Qualififcations Submission shall be
submitted separately, as described in Section 004300. Bid Proposals may be mailed or hand delivered to
Tougaloo College at the address provided below. Incomplete proposals or proposals submitted after the
time due will not be considered. Oral, telephonic, electronic, or faxed proposals will not be accepted.

Availability of Bid Documents:
Bid Documents may be obtained through the online planroom of Jackson Blueprint & Supply, Inc. (601-
353-5803; For a deposit of $150.00, interested parties will receive one printed
document set (Drawings and Project Manual) and a download of the set in PDF format. Contact Jackson
Blueprint or WFT Architects, P.A. for instructions.

Bid Proposals shall be hand delivered or mailed to:
Office of Facilities and Real Property Management
Attn: Erskine Brown, Asst. Vice President
500 West County Line Road
Tougaloo, MS 39174
Phone: 601-977-7828

Direct any questions to:
Lawson Newman, AIA
WFT Architects, P.A.
770 North State Street
Jackson, MS 39202
Phone: (601) 352-4691

Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting:
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 21st, 2023, at the Office of Facilities and Real
Property Management on the campus of Tougaloo College at 9:00 am. A walkthrough of the site will
follow immediately afterwards.

Contractor Qualifications Submission:
The John W. Boddie House, constructed in 1860, is a designated Mississippi Landmark, is listed on the
National Register of Historic Places and is a contributing structure within the Tougaloo College Historic
District. As specified in the Project Manual, Section 004300, Contractor Qualifications Submission,
Bidders are required to submit, as part of their proposal, the specified documents to demonstrate that their
personnel and those of the specified subcontractors are qualified to work on historic buildings similar to
the Boddie House by presenting evidence that they possess, through experience and/or training, the
required knowledge and skills.

Rejection of Bids:
Tougaloo College reserves the right to reject any or all bids and the right to waive any informalities or
irregularities in any bid or in any bidding and to further award the project to the best, responsive and
responsible qualified bidder whose bid complies with all the prescribed formalities, as it best serves the
interest of Tougaloo College. Tougaloo College reserves the right to award the contract to the next most
qualified contractor if the selected contractor does not execute a contract within thirty (30) days after the
award of the proposal.

This solicitation does not obligate Tougaloo College to pay any cost incurred by respondents in the
preparation and submission of a proposal. It also does not obligate Tougaloo College to accept or contract
for any expressed or implied services.

Job Purchase Information:
Deposit affords planholder one printed document set which includes a free download of the complete set. Send $150.00 deposit check to WFT Architects, P.A., 770 North State Street, Jackson, MS 39202 and place order for sets through Jackson Blueprint Online Planroom. Deposits are refundable upon return of documents in good condition by 07/10/23 to WFT Architects

Payment must only be made using a deposit check and cannot be paid for with a credit card.

Documents will be delivered/shipped only upon receipt of check; expedite process by sending an electronic copy of deposit check to Email: Orders will be delivered/shipped within 1-2 business days of deposit receipt. Deposits are required from all bidders.


Existing planholders will be notified by email upon the release of any addendum. Failure to order bid sets through Jackson Blueprint and not being on the planholders list may prevent you from being notified of issued addenda. Printed copies of addendum will be available as part of your bid package upon request by contacting Jackson Blueprint.

Addenda notifications are sent via email from the mail account of “” and could be flagged as spam by your company network firewall. To prevent not receiving timely notification of these addenda, please contact your company Information Technology Manager and ask that he “white list” the domain of to prevent emails from being captured.
