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Repair CIF Building 6564, CSJFTC, Camp Shelby, MS

Selective demolition and renovation to the existing CIF 6564 building to create new storage and office space, and upgrades to existing building systems.



Contact:   Lauren Sims
PreBid Date:   Not furnished
PreBid Info:   Meeting held at Building 6600 DPW Conference Room, Camp Shelby, MS

Company:   Shafer Zahner Zahner, PLLC
Bid Date:   Not furnished
Bid Info:  

Project Location: Camp Shelby, MS

Public Notes:

Sealed bids will be received by the Adjutant General, State of Mississippi, in the office of the
Adjutant General, 1410 Riverside Drive, Jackson, Mississippi, 39202-1271. Electronic Bids may be Receipt.

UNTIL: 1:30 September 8, 2022

FOR: Repair CIF Building 6564, CSJFTC, Camp Shelby, MS
and there be publicly opened and read.

Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of _ Shafer Zahner Zahner, PLLC, 510
University Drive, Starkville, MS. Phone number 662-323-1628, upon payment of $200.00 deposit, fully
refundable to bona fide bidders if plans and specifications are returned within ten days in good

A pre-bid conference will be conducted 10am August 16, 2022 at Building 6600 DPW Conference
Room, Camp Shelby, MS


Bidders shall be advised that in accordance with the Mississippi Code, the Military Department
has Thirty (30) calendar days to deliver a warrant to the vendor from the date an application for payment
is determined to be due and payable under the terms and conditions of the contract.

The Adjutant General reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive informalities. Award
of contract is subject to availability of funds. Bids will be held open for 90 days from bid date.

Director, State Purchasing and Contracting

PUBLISH: August 4 & 11, 2022

Job Purchase Information:
Deposit affords planholder one printed document set which includes a free download of the complete set. Send $200.00 deposit check to Shafer-Zahner-Zahner, PLLC, 510 University Dr., Starkville, MS 39759 and place order for sets through Jackson Blueprint Online Planroom. Deposits are refundable upon return of documents in good condition to Shafer Zahner Zahner.

Payment must only be made using a deposit check and cannot be paid for with a credit card.

Documents will be delivered/shipped only upon receipt of check; expedite process by sending an electronic copy of deposit check to Email: Orders will be delivered/shipped within 1-2 business days of deposit receipt. Deposits are required from all bidders.


Existing planholders will be notified by email upon the release of any addendum. Failure to order bid sets through Jackson Blueprint and not being on the planholders list may prevent you from being notified of issued addenda. Printed copies of addendum will be available as part of your bid package upon request by contacting Jackson Blueprint.

Addenda notifications are sent via email from the mail account of “” and could be flagged as spam by your company network firewall. To prevent not receiving timely notification of these addenda, please contact your company Information Technology Manager and ask that he “white list” the domain of to prevent emails from being captured.
